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The Hobbit @ Moviedump.org

moviedumpblog.wordpress.com is now kaput! Go read our The Hobbit review at moviedump.org.

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The Hobbit @ Moviedump.org

moviedumpblog.wordpress.com is now kaput! Go read our The Hobbit review at moviedump.org.

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Life of Pi | Moviedump.org

moviedumpblog.wordpress.com is now kaput! Go read our Life of Pi review at moviedump.org.

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Life of Pi | Moviedump.org

moviedumpblog.wordpress.com is now kaput! Go read our Life of Pi review at moviedump.org.

Holy Motors

This starts out like you’re watching a Tropfest DVD, a sequence of short films where the signature item that thinly binds the whole together is nothing more in this case than actor Denis Levant. It ends up in much the

Holy Motors

This starts out like you’re watching a Tropfest DVD, a sequence of short films where the signature item that thinly binds the whole together is nothing more in this case than actor Denis Levant. It ends up in much the

Beasts of the Southern Wild

A slight, sometimes imperceptible tale nevertheless remarkable and rewarding for its sheer lack of convention. It’s disorienting enough to leave us wondering whether we are watching an apocalyptic sci-fi, a myth retold, or just a minor extrapolation of events surrounding

Beasts of the Southern Wild

A slight, sometimes imperceptible tale nevertheless remarkable and rewarding for its sheer lack of convention. It’s disorienting enough to leave us wondering whether we are watching an apocalyptic sci-fi, a myth retold, or just a minor extrapolation of events surrounding

Attack The Block

Ewokish chavs on bicycles save their corner of the world from something toothy and belligerent out of Ben10.  Like many movies about wayward youth it resolves with the protagonists’ reintegration into society, but in doing so discounts any special vision

Attack The Block

Ewokish chavs on bicycles save their corner of the world from something toothy and belligerent out of Ben10.  Like many movies about wayward youth it resolves with the protagonists’ reintegration into society, but in doing so discounts any special vision

Wake In Fright (1971)

A changing of the guard in Australian thespianism, featuring Jack Thompson in his first cinema role and Chips Rafferty in his last. It’s a great swan song by Rafferty, upsidedowning everything he’d done before. But Wake In Fright goes much

Wake In Fright (1971)

A changing of the guard in Australian thespianism, featuring Jack Thompson in his first cinema role and Chips Rafferty in his last. It’s a great swan song by Rafferty, upsidedowning everything he’d done before. But Wake In Fright goes much

Take Shelter

Michael Shannon’s cheer squad raises this film’s critical rating. No one seems to agree on what it’s about though. As far as I could tell whilst watching, it was a film about mental illness that demanded much patience of its

Take Shelter

Michael Shannon’s cheer squad raises this film’s critical rating. No one seems to agree on what it’s about though. As far as I could tell whilst watching, it was a film about mental illness that demanded much patience of its

Play Misty For Me (1971)

A great popcorn-munching, psycho-watching, knife-wielding suburban thriller that precedes and outclasses the bunny boiling Fatal Attraction – ’cause look, back in the day, who drove women crazier, Clint or Michael Douglas? There’s interesting debate to be had on whether it’s

Play Misty For Me (1971)

A great popcorn-munching, psycho-watching, knife-wielding suburban thriller that precedes and outclasses the bunny boiling Fatal Attraction – ’cause look, back in the day, who drove women crazier, Clint or Michael Douglas? There’s interesting debate to be had on whether it’s

Heaven’s Gate (1980)

The literally sprawling epic that made cinema history for all the wrong reasons, raping the coffers of United Artists so resoundingly it made directorial freedom look like a bad thing. Rightly pariahed for its indulgences and cavalier discipline, Heaven’s Gate

Heaven’s Gate (1980)

The literally sprawling epic that made cinema history for all the wrong reasons, raping the coffers of United Artists so resoundingly it made directorial freedom look like a bad thing. Rightly pariahed for its indulgences and cavalier discipline, Heaven’s Gate

The Avengers

The Marvel Avengers go supergroup with Joss Whedon at the mixing desk. Downey Jnr’s Iron Man dominates as Whedon gives him all the good lines. Notable for an epic fx-driven battle between the assembled Avengers and some grommet faced bad

The Avengers

The Marvel Avengers go supergroup with Joss Whedon at the mixing desk. Downey Jnr’s Iron Man dominates as Whedon gives him all the good lines. Notable for an epic fx-driven battle between the assembled Avengers and some grommet faced bad

Black Narcissus (1947)

One ought not to rebel against nature it seems, nor the nature of things. A gaggle of nuns embark on a girl’s own Heart of Darkness journey into the Himalayas but ‘something in the air’ undoes the itinerant sisters one

Black Narcissus (1947)

One ought not to rebel against nature it seems, nor the nature of things. A gaggle of nuns embark on a girl’s own Heart of Darkness journey into the Himalayas but ‘something in the air’ undoes the itinerant sisters one

Safe House

The trilogy of this, Training Day and Man on Fire (let’s overlook The Book of Eli) mounts a strong case for Denzel Washington being today’s front running hollywood BAMF and you didn’t even notice. Maybe a cage match with Vincent

Safe House

The trilogy of this, Training Day and Man on Fire (let’s overlook The Book of Eli) mounts a strong case for Denzel Washington being today’s front running hollywood BAMF and you didn’t even notice. Maybe a cage match with Vincent

Source Code

Up until it starts trying to justify it’s underlying science, Source Code looks for all the world like a classy, economical sci-fi thriller. But it’s unclear whether it’s us or the writers who never quite grasp what they’re talking about,

Source Code

Up until it starts trying to justify it’s underlying science, Source Code looks for all the world like a classy, economical sci-fi thriller. But it’s unclear whether it’s us or the writers who never quite grasp what they’re talking about,

Dark Shadows

Another inventive flourish from Depp, maybe a career-best performance from Eva Green, plus noticeably good cameo walk-ons from Pfeiffer, Bonham-Carter and Moretz all sadly fail to make this arch gothic panto add up to the sum of its parts.

Dark Shadows

Another inventive flourish from Depp, maybe a career-best performance from Eva Green, plus noticeably good cameo walk-ons from Pfeiffer, Bonham-Carter and Moretz all sadly fail to make this arch gothic panto add up to the sum of its parts.

Margin Call

Still wondering where all the money went? A lot of it was never really there. And then there weren’t enough chairs when the music stopped. It’s a story that deserves half a dozen tellings and probably the first movie I’ve

Margin Call

Still wondering where all the money went? A lot of it was never really there. And then there weren’t enough chairs when the music stopped. It’s a story that deserves half a dozen tellings and probably the first movie I’ve

The Artist

Despite Jean Dujardin being a virtuoso charmer and perfectly cast, the falling star of the silent screen he plays here is a disagreeable prima donna – ungrateful, self pitying and sinfully proud. There are inspired strokes of visual invention, but

The Artist

Despite Jean Dujardin being a virtuoso charmer and perfectly cast, the falling star of the silent screen he plays here is a disagreeable prima donna – ungrateful, self pitying and sinfully proud. There are inspired strokes of visual invention, but

Woman in the Fifth

This glacial American-in-Paris mystery noir mounts some captivating intrigues then walks away without a single payoff. What happened?

Woman in the Fifth

This glacial American-in-Paris mystery noir mounts some captivating intrigues then walks away without a single payoff. What happened?


This thing threatens so much near-greatness its not immediately clear what’s holding it back. Sean William Scott (yes, Stifler) is barely recognisable, holds the lead spot effortlessly and earns a career reboot with help from a semi stellar indiewood cast


This thing threatens so much near-greatness its not immediately clear what’s holding it back. Sean William Scott (yes, Stifler) is barely recognisable, holds the lead spot effortlessly and earns a career reboot with help from a semi stellar indiewood cast

The Raid

Somewhere in Jakarta, a bunch of rookie SWAT cops find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew in attacking an apartment block full of murderous crims. It shouldn’t have been hard to make that work, but a smart, efficient,

The Raid

Somewhere in Jakarta, a bunch of rookie SWAT cops find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew in attacking an apartment block full of murderous crims. It shouldn’t have been hard to make that work, but a smart, efficient,

The Hunger Games

This best selling US tweeny book franchise gets a lot less love than Harry Potter did. Other than the cast there’s little to distinguish it from a sci-fi channel production. Nevertheless, the Survivor/Big Brother/Battle Royale template proves an enduring recipe

The Hunger Games

This best selling US tweeny book franchise gets a lot less love than Harry Potter did. Other than the cast there’s little to distinguish it from a sci-fi channel production. Nevertheless, the Survivor/Big Brother/Battle Royale template proves an enduring recipe

This Must Be the Place

It would be nice if every movie was as different from every other movie as this one is, but in a different way. Then… wait a minute… it’s a road movie. It just took a while to get onto the

This Must Be the Place

It would be nice if every movie was as different from every other movie as this one is, but in a different way. Then… wait a minute… it’s a road movie. It just took a while to get onto the

A Dangerous Method

A fine production of a story that seems like it should have had far more to say. A great deal is touched upon but little is explored beyond Sabina Spielrein’s interest in spanking. Spielrein is Jung’s first patient and its

A Dangerous Method

A fine production of a story that seems like it should have had far more to say. A great deal is touched upon but little is explored beyond Sabina Spielrein’s interest in spanking. Spielrein is Jung’s first patient and its

The Dark Knight Rises

Don’t know what all the fuss was about, seems like pretty decent entertainment to me. That’s what I thought two hours in. But the last long hour sees the darkness groan and splinter under the weight of it’s ambitions. It

The Dark Knight Rises

Don’t know what all the fuss was about, seems like pretty decent entertainment to me. That’s what I thought two hours in. But the last long hour sees the darkness groan and splinter under the weight of it’s ambitions. It


Middle class pretences of civility take a beating as parents debate the correct thing to do after their kids have a violent altercation. Predictably, despite all intentions to the contrary, the parents’ altercation is far more grim. Amusing, but beyond a


Middle class pretences of civility take a beating as parents debate the correct thing to do after their kids have a violent altercation. Predictably, despite all intentions to the contrary, the parents’ altercation is far more grim. Amusing, but beyond a


Soderbergh has a stab at affected genre in this revisitation of Nikita without the bondage, or Bourne without the amnesia. You know the story, and once again the moral is… maybe don’t double cross your highly trained martial arts super


Soderbergh has a stab at affected genre in this revisitation of Nikita without the bondage, or Bourne without the amnesia. You know the story, and once again the moral is… maybe don’t double cross your highly trained martial arts super


This temporally stretched essay on sex addiction seems more concerned with effects than causes, though an abusive past is indicated for two siblings, played by Fassbender and Mulligan. The classy cast, stylish minimalism and enough things going wrong sustain tension


This temporally stretched essay on sex addiction seems more concerned with effects than causes, though an abusive past is indicated for two siblings, played by Fassbender and Mulligan. The classy cast, stylish minimalism and enough things going wrong sustain tension

Martha Marcy May Marlene

To convey one’s mood in seventeen syllables is very diffic. That’s a haiku by John Cooper Clarke. You do and you don’t need that last syllable. To convey ones idea in 3 acts can be like that too. Martha Marcy

Martha Marcy May Marlene

To convey one’s mood in seventeen syllables is very diffic. That’s a haiku by John Cooper Clarke. You do and you don’t need that last syllable. To convey ones idea in 3 acts can be like that too. Martha Marcy


There are many movie car chases but hardly any good ones. Most are placeholders where the only thing moving fast is the cutting. Drive nods its head to 1968 so hard it risks whiplash as a fastback 2008 Bullitt Mustang


There are many movie car chases but hardly any good ones. Most are placeholders where the only thing moving fast is the cutting. Drive nods its head to 1968 so hard it risks whiplash as a fastback 2008 Bullitt Mustang

I Melt with You

A suicidally downbeat Big Chill for men, exploring the disappointment inherent to middle age. You grow up expecting the world but in the end you only get a life, and these forty-something school buddies on a vacation bender are grief

I Melt with You

A suicidally downbeat Big Chill for men, exploring the disappointment inherent to middle age. You grow up expecting the world but in the end you only get a life, and these forty-something school buddies on a vacation bender are grief

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Fincher’s version of this curious fantasy about a young woman serial raped by father figures, first within the family and then by the state. Not quite moving on, she opts for a steamy relationship with her middle aged employer. To

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Fincher’s version of this curious fantasy about a young woman serial raped by father figures, first within the family and then by the state. Not quite moving on, she opts for a steamy relationship with her middle aged employer. To

The Grey

The Edge with wolves. And snow. Some stylish direction inspires high hopes – later deflated as this mortality tale fails to grasp a theme worthy of the life and death struggle its characters face after their plane crashes in the

The Grey

The Edge with wolves. And snow. Some stylish direction inspires high hopes – later deflated as this mortality tale fails to grasp a theme worthy of the life and death struggle its characters face after their plane crashes in the

The Ward

John Carpenter’s not really triumphal 10 year return to the screen. There was a good idea in here somewhere but what we mostly get is people running. This has more running than Apocalypto. This time its chicks in a psych

The Ward

John Carpenter’s not really triumphal 10 year return to the screen. There was a good idea in here somewhere but what we mostly get is people running. This has more running than Apocalypto. This time its chicks in a psych


Fuck story. The world’s full of stories. Who needs another one, right? Sofia Coppola decides instead to make a melting still, a not dry nature morte portrait of an LA actor (Stephen Dorff) surprised by success, who gets everything he


Fuck story. The world’s full of stories. Who needs another one, right? Sofia Coppola decides instead to make a melting still, a not dry nature morte portrait of an LA actor (Stephen Dorff) surprised by success, who gets everything he

Blue Valentine

Watch the love die and wonder why. No winners in this study of romantic failure. Unable to recommend this truthful well acted tragedy as its point escaped me. Perhaps what tragedies need to do is establish at the outset that

Blue Valentine

Watch the love die and wonder why. No winners in this study of romantic failure. Unable to recommend this truthful well acted tragedy as its point escaped me. Perhaps what tragedies need to do is establish at the outset that


The crew of the starship Prometheus are roused from cryo-sleep to ask the big questions. Who are we? Why are we here? Yes they’re really asking those questions. None of them seem to know who anyone else is or why


The crew of the starship Prometheus are roused from cryo-sleep to ask the big questions. Who are we? Why are we here? Yes they’re really asking those questions. None of them seem to know who anyone else is or why

The Help

Has there been a bad film about the US civil rights movement? The most self critiical nation on earth once again finds its terrible race karma a bottomless wellspring of pungent narrative. Does amply what it sets out to do

The Help

Has there been a bad film about the US civil rights movement? The most self critiical nation on earth once again finds its terrible race karma a bottomless wellspring of pungent narrative. Does amply what it sets out to do


Direction outshines story as Jon Hewitt produces another genre vs art house mashup that works really well bar an action scramble near the end to tie up the plot at the expense of its themes. The unstoppable baddy resembles a


Direction outshines story as Jon Hewitt produces another genre vs art house mashup that works really well bar an action scramble near the end to tie up the plot at the expense of its themes. The unstoppable baddy resembles a


Starts out looking like an age-appropriate revision of Harold and Maude, as emotionally imploded funeral crasher Henry Hopper somehow manages to get stalked by a puckish, gossamer Mia Wasikowska. Fans of Gus Van Sant’s ouevre of slow will find this


Starts out looking like an age-appropriate revision of Harold and Maude, as emotionally imploded funeral crasher Henry Hopper somehow manages to get stalked by a puckish, gossamer Mia Wasikowska. Fans of Gus Van Sant’s ouevre of slow will find this

The Descendants

Take a bleak premise about infidelity and terminal comas and drizzle with saccharine. Clooney gets an oscar nomination for one of his most laboured and least convincing performances. Maybe it was really for The American. Watchable drama about family and

The Descendants

Take a bleak premise about infidelity and terminal comas and drizzle with saccharine. Clooney gets an oscar nomination for one of his most laboured and least convincing performances. Maybe it was really for The American. Watchable drama about family and

The Adventures of Tintin

This one divides the room, leaving me on the side that was waiting for the frenetic more is less dynamism to finally exhaust itself and allow me to leave the cinema. There was a hero’s journey in here somewhere, with

The Adventures of Tintin

This one divides the room, leaving me on the side that was waiting for the frenetic more is less dynamism to finally exhaust itself and allow me to leave the cinema. There was a hero’s journey in here somewhere, with

The Iron Lady

Thatcher without the thatcherism? It’s been described thus but the thatcherism is actually right there in the opening scene as a pinstriped yuppie queue-jumps doddering Maggie at the corner shop. Meryl earns her oscar and maintains a tradition of wins

The Iron Lady

Thatcher without the thatcherism? It’s been described thus but the thatcherism is actually right there in the opening scene as a pinstriped yuppie queue-jumps doddering Maggie at the corner shop. Meryl earns her oscar and maintains a tradition of wins

The Ides of March

Clooney adapts, directs and acts in a story outlining all the reasons why he’s unlikely to run for President. With Gosling as The Prince.

The Ides of March

Clooney adapts, directs and acts in a story outlining all the reasons why he’s unlikely to run for President. With Gosling as The Prince.


This appears for the first hour to be a good old fashioned Bunuel-style thrashing of the bourgeoisie and everything it holds sacred, with rogue ops courtesy of rampaging bridezilla, Dunst. Then Melancholia’s orbit tightens into an understated spiral of high


This appears for the first hour to be a good old fashioned Bunuel-style thrashing of the bourgeoisie and everything it holds sacred, with rogue ops courtesy of rampaging bridezilla, Dunst. Then Melancholia’s orbit tightens into an understated spiral of high

Midnight in Paris

Owen Wilson is the 10th Woody, you know like David Tennant is the 10th Doctor.  The first Woody began deploying effigies of himself when they started to say he had grown too old too disgracefully. Hell, he even married Rosemary’s

Midnight in Paris

Owen Wilson is the 10th Woody, you know like David Tennant is the 10th Doctor.  The first Woody began deploying effigies of himself when they started to say he had grown too old too disgracefully. Hell, he even married Rosemary’s


The roll call of stars  lining up to work with Soderbergh make this look like a disaster blockbuster, but Contagion is a sober examination of how a global cataclysm might play out handled by a 21stC bureaucracy, with unexpected intrusions


The roll call of stars  lining up to work with Soderbergh make this look like a disaster blockbuster, but Contagion is a sober examination of how a global cataclysm might play out handled by a 21stC bureaucracy, with unexpected intrusions


Marty seems out of his element in so many ways here – probably roughly equal to the number of ways in which this highly polished turd is… just that.  Moretz and Kingsley bring enough charm to the table to make


Marty seems out of his element in so many ways here – probably roughly equal to the number of ways in which this highly polished turd is… just that.  Moretz and Kingsley bring enough charm to the table to make